- 多酶 multienzyme
- 复 repeated; double; duplicate
- 合 ge,a unit of dry measure for ...
- 体 body; part of the body
- 系 system; series
- 词 的] 复 合 法 compounding
- 工 程 复 合 塑 料 engineering compounded plastics
- 电 脑 体 系 结 构 computer architecture
- 胸 腺 嘧 啶 核 苷 酸 合 酶 thymidylate synthase
- 综 合 注 册 资 讯 系 统 iris
- 多 Ⅰ形容词1.(数量大) many; much; more 请你多多帮助。 please give me all the help you can. 人多议论多 , 热气高, 干劲大。 more people mean a greater ferment of ideas, more enthusiasm and more energy. 他在这城里认识的人非常多。 he knows a great many people in this city. 我们还有很多工作要做。 we have a lot more work to do.2.(比原来的数目有所增加) more than the correct or required number; too many 你多给了我两个。 you gave me two too many. 他多喝了一点。 he's had a drop too much. 她话说得太多。 she talks too much. 我在那里多住了几天。 i stayed there a few days longer.3.(过份的; 不必要的) excesive; too much 多疑 oversensitive; oversuspicious; given to suspicionⅡ数词(用在量词前表示概数) 他曾多次访问大连。 he's visited dalian many times. 铁有多种用处。 iron has a variety of uses.Ⅲ助词(用在数量词后,表示有零头) more; over; odd 四个多月 more than four months; four months and more; 50 多岁 over fifty years old; 全书2,000 多页。 it's a book of 2,000-odd pages.Ⅳ动词(超出原有的或应有的数量或限度) exceed a number 多一个人就多一分力量。 if we get one more person, we will become stronger. 南方多水, 利于灌溉。 irrigation is easy in the south because of the abundance of water. 这个句子多了一个字。 there is one word too many in this sentence.Ⅴ名词(姓氏) a surname 多军 duo junⅥ副词1.(用在疑问句里,问程度、数量) 你女儿多大了? how old is your daughter?2.(用在感叹句里,表示程度很高) 多美的声音啊 ! what a beautiful voice! 看她多精神! look how energetic she is!3.(表示任何一种程度) 给我一根绳子, 多长都行。 give me a piece of rope; any length will do. 有多大劲使多大劲。 use all your strength.4.(相差程度大) much more; far more 难得多 much more difficult; 病人今天好多了。 the patient is much better today. 他比我年纪小得多。 he is younger than i by much.; he is much younger than i
- 复 Ⅰ形容词1.(重复) repeated; double; duplicate 复试 second examinations2.(繁复) complex; compound 复分数 complex fraction; 复姓 two-character surname; compound surnameⅡ动词1.(转过去或转过来) turn round; turn over 翻来复去 toss in bed; 反复无常 changeable; capricious2.(回答) answer; reply 电复 reply by cablegram [telegram]; 答复 reply3.(恢复) recover; return to ; restore 复婚 restore the former marriage; 收复 recover; recapture4.(报复) revenge 复仇 avenge; revengeⅢ副词(再; 又) again; repeatedly 旧病复发 have a relapse; 故态复萌 old habits come back; return to one's old habit; 死灰复燃 dying embers glowing againⅣ名词(姓氏) a surname 复遂 fu sui
- 体 体构词成分。
- a酶 a-ase
- 合 合量词(容量单位) ge, a unit of dry measure for grain (=1 decilitre)
- 酶 名词[生物化学] (生物体的细胞产生的有机胶状物质) enzyme; ferment 蛋白酶 protease; proteinase
- 系 系动词(打结; 扣) tie; fasten; do up; button up 把晾衣服绳系在树上 fasten a clothesline between two trees; 把衣服扣子系上button up a jacket; 系围裙 wear an apron; 系鞋带 tie shoe laces
- 差得 多 fall short by a large amount
- 多-思万 santosh sivan
- 多…吨 m/ t are over; m/t are over
- 多,复合 poly,multi,mult
- 多数, 多 pluri-
- 最大(多) max maximum,the most
- (复)嵴 cristae
- (复)鞭毛 flagellum, flagellae; flagellum, flagellae